Local government COURSE TOPICS
- LCG01 Aspects of Public Administration and Performance Management.
- LCG02 Developmental Planning and Unique Legal Requirements
- LCG03 Functional activities of Local Government and municipal service delivery
- LCG04 Cooperative government and municipal monitoring and supervision
- LCG05 Public Policy Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation
- LCG06 Investments in municipalities
- LCG07 Municipal Administrative Structure
- LCG08 Municipal finance, debt collections and general fiscal management
- LCG09 Municipal Financial Management
- LCG10 Municipality management
- LCG11 Objects and developmental challenges of Local Government
- LCG12 Personnel, staff and labor matters in Local Government
- LCG13 Planning and Organizational Development
- LCG14 Provincial Growth & Development Plan
- LCG15 Management of Urban Infrastructures
- LCG16 Smart Cities Urban Planning & Management
- LCG17 Urban Planning and Design